Alone Time Opens Up Your True Self

Spending time alone allows you to know your true self and discover what you truly think about matters of importance, without the influence of others. Everyone needs some alone time each day to consider life circumstances and reconcile actions with inner beliefs. In our solitude, the universe reveals the most creative solutions to our greatest problems.

Spending time alone gives you the opportunity to celebrate your true self

So much of our lives are consumed giving of ourselves and doing for others. You may spend your alone time taking a scenic walk close to home. You may sit in your backyard in the summer or near a cozy fireplace in the winter. When you are alone, you may enjoy reading books or listening to music. Reading books helps you gain insightful knowledge while listening to music helps you enjoy the voices and talents of others in a way that connects with your soul. Meditation and yoga will help you relax your mind and focus on yourself.

“Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.” – Robert Brault

In your quiet moments, think about the pleasing parts of life and conjure up thoughts that make you happy. At the end of the day, only YOU are responsible for maintaining a positive attitude and grooming yourself for success. Reject negative thoughts or impulses that go against your beliefs. Consider what imbues your life with the most value.

Work towards maintaining what matters most– your sanity!

Contemplate how you can enrich your life with more of what makes you feel happy and fulfilled. Set goals in solitude and plan how to achieve them. You can use your alone time to be productive, but be sure to balance your alone time with sufficient rest and relaxation. Do not despair in your quiet hours of reflection. Enjoy this chance to lead a more meaningful and successful life by following your intuitions.



Empowering Questions:

  1. What can I do when I am alone?
  2. How often do I take time away to restore myself?
  3. Where can I go to bask in solitude and evolve my true self?



Finally, don’t underestimate the value of a Coach. If you are grappling with your established business and laboring with lackluster sales, perhaps you should consider working with a Professional Business Growth Coach.

This partnership will empower your professional growth, those of your team, while positively impacting your revenues by 21.5% or more.

Author: Lisa Morgan Mosley is a Certified Business Growth Coach practicing in the United States and Canada.